🔑 Outreach is the key difference in getting a job in 3 months vs. 8 months, which equates to roughly $21,000 in salary! (Source: Recently hired graduate data).
To set yourself up for success in Job Search, do the following immediately:
- [ ] Ensure your Your Student Profile is complete with
- [ ] Update your technical skills, preferred roles and location preferences.
- [ ] Update links to your resume, Github, and LinkedIn
- [ ] Indicate interest in Fellows and Public Profiles - do this by answering the questions under "Job Preferences". More details on Public Profiles here.
- [ ] Take the Codesignal GCA if you don't have a score of 650+
First Month Goals
Your First Month Guide to Success
- [ ] Attend the Welcome to the Job Search live session on Week 1 of your Job Search
- [ ] Send at least 10 customized outreach emails to at least 10 employer contacts (more on how this works below)
- [ ] Apply to 10 jobs every week and log it using Job Tracker
- [ ] Complete the Job Search Onboarding Canvas Course. This course will teach you everything from how to apply, do outreach, prep for an interview and much more! (Link to course)
- [ ] Achieve a 650+ on the CodeSignal GCA, if you haven't already (link to test)
- [ ] Green Github 15+ days of the month or complete 10+ code challenges
- [ ] Secure 1 interview in your first 30 days of job searching. Graduates with 1 interview in the first 30 days are 3x more likely to get a job in 90 days. This interview doesn't have to be at your dream company, in fact, it is better if it isn't. If you only work toward one goal, let it be this!
Custom Outreach Message Generator
From working with 1000s of placed Lambda graduates, we know that outreach is the key to landing that first interview. To speed things along, I will be providing email contacts and outreach messages for jobs you apply to. The following tutorial video will run you through how this simple process works:
TUTORIAL LINK: https://www.loom.com/share/5983de693024407f888d9b8e3694f3f5
To take advantage of this, fill out the Outreach Request Form with a link to a job description and some quick reasons on why you are a good fit. Our team will send you the email address and a customized 3-email sequence outreach to send. The form should take you <5 minutes to fill out and once you submit it you will get the outreach document within 1-2 business days.
🥗 Food for thought: If you spend 1-2 hours finding 10 job openings you are interested in and 1 hour filling out an Outreach Request Form for each job opportunity, and 20 minutes sending the outreach messages, you will complete your expected weekly outreach goal in under 4 hours! ⏰